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Black eyed kids
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Black Eyed Children are mysterious creatures that appear as children between the ages of 6-16-year-old. They generally only appear at night to unsuspecting adults alone in parking lots or in their homes. They will appear in groups of two or more and often ask for assistance, such as, making a phone call, to get a ride home or to come in out of the cold. Those whom have interacted with them express feelings of unexplainable fear and tell of them being suspiciously persistant on gaining entry, however, most of these encounters end with entry being refused, due to them generating such an atmosphere of discomfort. In cases where access was permitted, those involved have succumbed to nausia and severe illness, which has persisted after the event. One case recorded in Vermont USA, tells of two children appearing on the doorstep of a couple, during the middle of a snowstorm at 2:00am. The couple, concerned there had been an accident had already ushered the children inside before noticing their eyes. They described electrical fluctuations and power outages, followed by the onset of sudden illness and nosebleeds, which continued even after the childrens sudden departure. After the husband’s nosebleeds became a regular occurrence a visit to the doctor resuilted in him being diagnosed with an aggressive for of skin cancer, linked usually to excessive use of tanning beds.


These are described as being between the ages of 6-16, with a pale complexion and eyes as black as pitch. They are said to act as though in a trance-like state, void of emotion and uttering very little. Their attire is sometimes recorded as being outdated or simple, like that of menonite children and their hair reflects this style, normally very simplistically cut or bowl/basin shaped.



Black eyed Children is a descriptive name for these beings, which draws attention to the 2 things, which when combined makes them so disturbing.


While coverage of these have claimed that black-eyed children have existed since the 1980s, Sources indicate that the legend originates from a 1996 post written by Texas reporter Brian Bethel, relating to two alleged encounters with "black-eyed children in Abilene, Texas in 1996.


England and America


No one really knows where they originate from. Most consider them to be extraterrestrial in nature, though, vampires and inter-dimensional beings are some of the other assumptions. According to one legend, the kids may be something called “Otkon” from an ancient Iroquois Indian legend, which tells of an ‘Evil One’ who would mate with human females to produce black-eyed, chalky skinned children, whose goal was to destroy the tribe and infect all of the people with Otkon.”


Sinister and Harmful. Wether the negative results of merely being in their presence is purposeful or simply an unintended side effect of their biological makeup, the disquieting nature these beings emanate cannot be taken for granted. Their unnerving persistance to get within a close proximity to people would suggest ill intent anda level of deception.

Modus Operandi:

They will appear as harmless children in need of assistance, pleading with you to let them in, however, once within close proximity to them, their very presence will begin to negatively effect you mentally and physically, with the possiblility of having grave consequences.


Indecisive. In some instances, these beings have been implied as being a human-hybrid of sorts, which would suggest, that they would also inherit human vulnerabilities. however, there are reports of those within close proximity being adversely effected by high doses of radiation, whilst the children remain visibly uneffected. In other cases these creatures are encountered during adverse weather conditions, yet seem to display no physical or mental distress. Yet if we examine the Iroquois legend of the Otkon children. Tribal elders were said to dispose of these evil creatures by killing them at birth and burning their corpses to ash, preventing them from resurrecting, which suggests no resistance to physical harm.


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