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The Bubak is a dark, predatory creature from Czech folklore, that lurks in corn fields and along secluded river banks. It will take on the form of a scarecrow, which is constructed from human bones and covered with a long coat or cloak, that it uses to store its captured prey in. In some tales the very pole, which it is affixed to is also crafted from bones, resembling a long, twisted spine, which it will hop on to move about and give chase, however, it prefers to lay in wait for its quarry and will mimic the sound of an abandonned baby, crying out in distress to draw attention. When the unsuspecting victim comes looking for the poor child, the bubak will steal them away and rip out their soul. It is said, that on the night of a full moon, the Bubak will then weave and make clothing from the souls of those it has taken. Although the Bubak in many stories has no prefference to his victims, targettin the young and old alike, he is frequently used as a boogeyman figure by parents, frightening disobedient children in to doing as their told, lest the Bubak come and take them away. In these tales, he will move between the realm of the death and the living by driving a cart pulled by black cats.


Appears as a scarecrow, constructed from human bones and Is said to wear a long dark coat or cloak and sometimes a hat, with some variations including a long spine as its support. Some descriptions include the addition of a sack, although this is thought to come from another similar Polish legend known as the Bebok, Babok or Bobok (sackman).



The Name Bubák basically means Boogeyman in Czech, from "boo" - "bů"


The Bubak is a Czech variation of "The Boogeyman", which is a creature that can be found in every culture, spanning hundreds of years. It has no specific appearance, and conceptions vary drastically from culture to culture, but is commonly depicted as a masculine monster that will punish children for misbehaviour.


Czech Republic and Slovakia


There is no reference in the Bubak's lore, that detail his exact origins or creation as such. There are, however, tales that mention him travelling between the realm of the dead and the living, which would conclude he is not of an earthly nature and has strong connections to the afterlife. This paired with his manner of literally tearing souls from his unfortunate victims, points possibly towards him originating from Hell itself. Could he be a demon or evil undead of sorts?


Deceiptful and predatory. Will use mimicry and deception as a method for hunting over pursuit of its victims. Is extremely hostile and although is characterized as a boogeyman figure aimed towards children, actually has no preference, when it comes to his victims.

Modus Operandi:

Will Pose as a distant scarecrow in a field or along a stretch of river bank and mimic a crying infant to capture the attention of his victim. When they are close enough, he will either tear your soul from your body or tuck you under his coat and bare you away until a later time, when he will do so.


Unknown. There are unfortunately no records, that tell of a means to either repel or harm the Bubak and as even his origins are somewhat of a mystery, it is difficult to draw any conclusions on the matter. What may be effective against a boogeyman in one culture may prove to be completely ineffectual in another's. The best advice that can be given is, if you are passing by a field or body of water and happen to hear an infant crying, make sure to check for any nearby scarecrows before you decide to investigate.


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