Tulu, Katulu and Kutulu

Cthulhu is a cosmic being, the high priest to and one of the great Old Ones, a species that came to Earth from the distant stars long before human life arose on the planet. Here he lies in a death-like slumber beneath the Pacific Ocean in his sunken city of R'lyeh, but has always been a dominant presence in the eldrich dealings of our world, able to influence the first humans by moulding their dreams, thus establishing the Cthulhu Cult. The cult claims, that when conditions are right, the sunken city will rise, and, with their assistance, Cthulhu will awaken and again rule the world. He cannot however, be comprehended by the human mind, and If one were ever to lay eyes upon his physical form, they would immediately be driven to insanity. Therfore, if this doomsday cult were to be successful in awakening him, it would inevitably bring about an apocalyptic age of darkness where the human race would destroy itself in a fit of madness. Cthulhu is unimaginably powerful and utterly alien to mankind. His communion with humans is more than likely purely accidental, though many whom receive his messages believe they are being tasked to worship him. In truth, he probably does not even notice humanity, and would not consider them of any significance on awaking. The concept that Cthulhu is a god is a human misunderstanding, just as is the idea that Cthulhu is evil. Cthulhu is simply powerful beyond our comprehension.
The most detailed descriptions of Cthulhu are based upon statues or figurines, that have either been recovered from cultists or crafted of him. One, constructed by an artist after a series of mysterious dreams describes him as a monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, gargantuan in size but with an octopus-like head whose face is a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind.

The name Cthulhu was probably chosen to echo the word chthonic (Classical Greek "of the earth"), as apparently suggested by Lovecraft himself at the end of his 1923 tale "The Rats in the Walls".
Cthulu was first introduced by H.P Lovecraft's short story "The Call of Cthulhu", which was published in the American pulp magazine Weird Tales in 1928. It is considered Lovecraft's most famous story and the only one to feature the celebrated monster. It is thought to encapsulate the ideas that went on to found the Cthulhu Mythos.
Cthulhu is a part of the “Great Old Ones,” a race of cosmic beings from the depths of space. He was born on the planet Vhoorl, in the 23rd nebula, offspring to the deity Nug, itself the offspring of Yog-Sothoth and Shub-Niggurath. He traveled to the star Zoth where he spawned his offspring, afterwards, travelling to Saturn and then Earth, where he landed on a continent in the Pacific Ocean and built the city R'lyeh. Encountering resistance from the Elder Things who also lived on the planet, they waged war until a truce was made and Cthulhu fell into a deep hibernation within R'lyeh.
Chaotic and omnipotent. Cthulu is a being of immense power. Even in his current state of hibernation, he has the ability to influence and manipulate makind via dreams. If he were to ever rise from his slumber, he would usher in an era of chaos and uninhibited violence, resulting in the annihilation of mankind. As one of the Great Old Ones humanity is considered insignificant.
Modus Operandi:
Cthulhu lays dormant deep under the Pacific ocean within the sunken city of R'lyeh, but can still influence the world via his telepathic abilities, as well as the many cults and otherworldly minions whom worship him. It is said that once Cthulhu is fully awakened, he shall rise from the depths and end the world; thankfully for humanity, Cthulhu has yet to do so.
Great Old Ones and Outer Gods, like Cthulu are un-killable. The only way, perhaps, to stop them would be to use magic to banish them or destroy a particular avatar, but fundamentally death means nothing to them.
Humans equally mean nothing to them, and are as insignificant as an insect is to us. Similarly we can have no real impact on such beings. Even if we were to destroy one of their forms, it would be merely an illusion of victory for us. Any such victory would effectively be something these beings allow, either because they do not care or because they might be amused by our naivety.