The Braxton County Monster, Frametown Monster

A cryptid sighted in the forests of Flatwoods, West Virginia and Frametown, West Virginia and is believed to be of extraterrestrial nature. on September 12, 1952, a bright object was seen crossing the sky and land on the property of a local farmer. Four witnesses whom went to investigate the site were said to have seen a pulsing red light and encounter a tall figure within a robotic suit or craft before fleeing in terror. The Creature was reported as being extremely tall with a round blood-red face, surrounded by a cowl and eyes which emitted greenish-orange light. It was said to emit a loud hissing noise and levitate towards them, before releasing a nausiating gas, which left those in the vacinity violently ill. The Frametown Monster is believed to be the same creature from Flatwoods, wearing a similarly described pipe-lined metallic armour from the waist down, but from the waist up, is said to be a reptilian humanoid, leading experts to believe the creature witnessed in Flatwood was wearing some kind of armour or environmental suit.
Approximately 10 feet (3.0 m) tall, with a round blood-red face, glowing round eyes and a cowl shaped like an ace of spades. The torso was a dark black or green in colour and covered in a type of piped, robotic suit or craft which concealed the legs, also providing it with the ability to levitate. Reports also describe clawed hands with an acidic or heated capability.

Comes from the town of Flatwoods in West Virginia, where the creature was first sighted.
First sighted in Flatwoods, West Virginia, United States on September 12, 1952 following what was considered to be a UFO Landing on the property of local farmer G. Bailey Fisher.
Believed to be of extraterrestrial nature
Aggressive. Although no actual physical harm has occurred to any of the witnesses, encounters have resulted in a level of hostility from the creature, leading those involved to retreat for fear of their own safety.
Modus Operandi:
Uses a toxic gas to attack its victims, which is described as having "sulphurous odour", leaving those effected feeling nauseous and disorientated. Tactile contact is corrosive or searing (Braxton County case 13th Sep 1952)
As yet unknown. All encounters have been thus far, brief and concluded without conflict. Due to a lack of data there is no base with which to draw any definitive conclusions.