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Jinny Greenteeth, Wicked Jenny, Ginny Greenteeth, Peg o’ Nell, Peg Powler
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Jenny Greenteeth is a witch-like monster from the United Kingdom. A horrid hag which lurks beneath the water line and feeds on the unwary, prefering easier prey, such children and the elderly. She is also said to lurk in shallow ponds and other bodies of water, waiting to grab an ankle of an unsuspecting victim and drag them to the bottom, where she will stare in to their panicked eyes as they thrash and struggle for air, before devouring them. During the evenings she is said to climb up in to the branches of nearby trees and hide, where she will wait for passers by and drop down on to them, dragging them to the waters and below. Her name is often used to scare children in to staying away from dangerous bodies of water and detering them from venturing too close to the edge. It has also become synonymous with pondweed or duckweed, which can form a continuous mat over the surface of a small body of water, making it misleading and potentially treacherous.


Her distorted form is said to be gaunt with Long sinewy arms and slender, boney fingers, which end in sharp nails. Her skin is a murky green, like that of stagnant waters and she has the face of an ugly old hag, whos evil grin is filled with elongated teeth. Her hair is also long and green, resembling the pond weed that floats atop the waters surface and her eyes are large and glaring, capable of seeing through the murky water she inhabits.



The "Greenteeth" portion of the name relates to her elongated and sharp green teeth, where as Jenny was a common female name used for the region and era.


Jenny Greenteeth has been rooted in English folklore for generations and has, alongside many other water-demons, been said to haunt rivers, ponds and other bodies of water.




Where this particular creature comes from is a unknown. She has been identified as many things, including, a dark fairy, a demon and a witch, but the truth remains a mystery, still to this day.


Cunning, and cruel. She will use deception and camouflage to gain an advantage. Will take joy in your suffering before finally feeding on you.

Modus Operandi:

Appears as a clump of duckweed floating on the surface of the water. She will disturb the waters surface, peaking your curiosity and drawing you in, where she will grab your ankles and drag you to the bottom and devour you.


Unknown. As nobody truly knows the source of this hideous creature and there are no references to her being bested or overcome, it is difficult to draw any conclusions on this particular subject, however, if she is indeed some dark fairy of sorts, methods used to repel or harm similar species should apply, such as, iron weaponry and religious artifacts. This however is pure speculation and not something recommended to undertake unless you hold a very low value on your existence.


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