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According to English folklore, Kuri are parasitic spirits, that haunt shallow or makeshift graves, such as those of travellers whom die in the wilderness. These dark entities stalk the grave site, preying on unsuspecting souls to wander too close, then attach themselves to their unsuspecting victim. The victim is unlikely to notice the presence of the Kuri at first, but over time, it will begin to make its presence felt,whispering into their ear and causing them to hear things. As time goes on, the Kuri will begin to manipulate dreams,turning them in to nightmares. Next, it will caress and scratch them. This subtle, but constant from of harassment starts to heighten the paranoia of the victim, slowly whittling away at their sanity. Eventually, the constant prodding, disembodied whispers, and nightmares take their toll leaving them sleep deprived, weak and confused. Hallucinations are next thing to occur, turning the faces of friends and family in to horrifying twisted visions, driving the victim in to isolation, then just when they begin to lose hope, the Kuri will talk to them, insisting and pleading, that they return to the grave where they were first bound. and finally in their declining mental and physical state they will begin the long and exhausting journey, becoming fatigued, dehydrated and starved even more as the journey back continues, with the Kuri constantly driving them on, telling them they are nearly there. However, before their goal is ever reached, they will fall to exhaustion and die. It is said that the final thing that these pitiful people hear is the voice of the Kuri as it whispers in their ear how much it will enjoy dragging their soul to Hell. And so, the cycle continues as a fresh grave is created for the Kuri.


Its is suggested, that the Kuri has no physical form and is described as more of a presence within its victim’s mind rather than an actual bodily possession. That said, it is mentioned that after several days of being tortured by the Kuri it will eventually reveal itself to you via dreams and horrifying visions, often projecting its own face on to that of your loved ones. However, nobody suffering a Kuri has ever provided a definitive description of its appearance and even if they were to, the likelihood that anybody would chose to believe the ravings of someone whose sanity was clearly in decline would be very unlikely.



There is unfortunately not enough litrature to determine the etymology of the name “Kuri”


There is very little that can be found with regards to the history of the Kuri. Most of the literature surrounding this creature seems to trace back to very recent times. This suggests, that it could possibly be one of the more recent urban myths created through the internet via sites, such as creepypasta, which is famous for Slenderman, another notorious cryptid.




Little can be found to explain the origin of the Kuri in English folklore. It is more than likely another cautionary tale, which warns of the dangers of wandering too far from the beaten path. It also serves as a reminder to be respectful of grave sites. There are many tales warning of the care that should be taken when in the company of the dead and the importance of paying proper respects when you come upon the eternal resting place of somebody, lest you are prepared to pay the consequences


A Kuri is a malevolent, parasitic spirit, which acts in a predatory and territorial manner. It will haunt the shallow graves of those who died in the wilderness, lying in wait patiently for its next victim for however long it takes.

Modus Operandi:

The Kuri will wander unseen, close to shallow graves on the moors or in the wilderness. When somebody is unfortunate enough to pass close by to the unmarked grave, the Kuri will attach itels to them and over the course of the next several days slowly drive them in to despair and insanity. Their final act is to force their victim to return to the wilderness, where they will die and allow the Kuri to repeat the cycle.


Due to the lack of information surrounding this folkloric creature, the Kuri’s weakness remains somewhat of a mystery. As an Evil spirit, it should be vulnerable to religious iconography, prayers and other forms of spiritual banishment. However, without any former references to rely on, it makes it extremely difficult to determine any resistances or immunities to such attacks.


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