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Lizard Man of Lee County
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The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp is a half-lizard, half-human hybrid that has been terrorizing the community of Bishopville, South Carolina for generations. The legend of the Lizard Man was born in the swamps around Bishopville over three decades ago and members of the community are still reporting Lizard Man sightings to this day. The most well known sighting of the creature, that made the Lizard Man famous involved a 17 year old local man by the name of Christopher Davis, who encountered the creature while driving home from work at 2 AM on June 29, 1988. Davis stopped on a road bordering Scape Ore Swamp to change a flat tire. As he finished he heard a thumping noise from behind him and turned to see the creature running towards him. The creature jumped and clung on to the car’s roof as Davis attempted to escape. He swerved from side to side and eventually his efforts were able to shake the creature off . Soon after the Lizard Man sighting, others reported seeing the monster as well, and once word of the sightings was out, newspapers, local television, and cryptid enthusiasts from all over the world began arriving in Bishopville. After years without any sighting, the cryptid was thought to have resurfaced in 2015, when a woman claimed to have taken a photo of the Lizard Man as she was coming out of church, and a man named Jim Wilson also took some pictures of the creature in the woods that he claims he saw running over Scape Ore Bridge.


The creature is described as being approximately 7 feet (2.1 m) in height with rough green scaly skin, like that of a lizards. It is said to be very powerful, denoting a muscular physique and the hands are said to have three clawed fingers, with the had having red glowing eyes.



The name is a descriptive term used to describe the hybrid nature of the creature. Possessing physical attributed of both man and reptile.


On July 14, 1988, the Lee County sheriff's office investigated a car damaged in the area of Browntown. The car had teethmarks, scratches and muddy footprints left behind. Following this, 17-year-old Christopher Davis reported that his car was attacked by a creature, whilst he was repairing a flat tyre and he had a narrow escape from the beast.




There have been many theories presented as to the identity of Lizard Men, One such theory suggests the possibility of these creatures being descended from dinosaurs, or offshoots of evolution in which the reptilian hierarchy continued to evolve along the same path as early primates. There was a point in time, when reptiles were the dominant species on the planet, therefore it is not out of the realm of possibility that the species could have continued to evolve in isolated numbers unseen by mankind.


The Lizard man displays the characteristics of an aggressive predatory carnivorous beast, which is highly territorial. Although there have been some recorded daylight sightings of the creature it would appear to prefer restricting the majority of its activity until dark, providing an advantage in hunting and reducing the possibility of revealing itself.

Modus Operandi:

This creature prefers to hunt close to its natural habitat of swamplands and woodlands. It will stay concealed and wait for the advantage of surprise before attacking, then use its powerful physique to subdue its prey.


Although the origins of this creature remain mysterious, its physiology does not appear to involve anything supernatural or advanced, such as weaponry or body armour. That said the Lizard man does possess a naturally tough hide of scales, which could possibly provide a substantial amount of protection from firearms and other forms of attack. Limited interactions with the creature have also given very little in the way of understanding its level of intelligence, which would greatly effect how it would react towards any hostile actions taken against it.

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