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Shadow men, Dark Shadows, Shadow Ghosts
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Supernatural shadow-like figures that, are often glimpsed momentaily on walls and ceilings in the peripheral vision. Some report them as shapeless and smoke-like, whilst a growing number have come to describe them as humanoid with an intimidating and almost sinister presence about them. Encounters with these mysterious beings vary, with some appearing as non-threatening and only watching, while others attempt physical attacks, where the witness will wake up to find a shadowy figure trying to choke or suffocate them. One specific type of shadow person is said to be more demonic in nature than others. Known as "The Hat Man" he is reportedly seen wearing either a top hat or a wide brimmed hat and harbours evil intent. Some feel they are ghosts, others say they are time travelers or inter-dimensional beings, but whatever their origin, it appears that people have begun to see them in more detail in recent times, possibly because they are, for whatever reasons, making themselves seen more. Observers are beginning to see them straight on and for longer periods of time, with some testifying that they have even seen red eyes. Some may only experience them once, while others seem to be individually targeted by a countless number sightings, to the point that it feels like a stalking. These people feel they are being preyed upon. ​ It is also a possibilty, like other entities, that these creatures will 'attach' themselves to certain people.


Multiple witness accounts describe these creatures as fleeting shadows, seen out of the corner of the eye, however, recently an increasing number of people have reported seeing them more openly and for longer periods of time. They are reported as humanoid and similar in height to that of a human, with a blurred or smokey outline, as if they were slightly out of focus and with no visible features. Some cases describe the addition of red or green eyes and a wide brimmed or tall hat.



Athough it is unknown, when and where the name "Shadow People" originated, the first time the topic was discussed at length was April 12, 2001 on the Coast to Coast show when host Art Bell interviewed Native American elder Thunder Strikes. The term used to describe them was thereafter coined by paranormal author Heidi Hollis.


Mythology of shadow people dates back to early 600 BCE. Ancient Egyptians called them the "khailbut." Romans believed they came from the Underworld and Greeks thought they were literal shadows of themselves.




A number of religions and belief systems have described shadowy supernatural beings or shades throughout history. In more recent times, they have been suggested as ghosts, demons, time travellers, interdimensional beings or even aliens. Skeptics note that seeing shadow people could simply be chalked up to sleep paralysis heightened emotional states, or sleep deprivation, though it doesn't fully explain why they're all seeing the same figure. To this date they remain as much a mystery as they did hundred of years ago.


Sinister and parasitic. Most reports on shadow people are overwhelming negative. Encounters tend to be accompanied by a feeling of dread, or panic and many describe accounts of waking, unable to move or being choked/suffocated by these strange beings. They seem to thrive and almost feed off of the negative energy they create by their visitations.

Modus Operandi:

Will normally attack at night, whilst the victim sleeps, triggering a state of paralysis. Victims will wake, experiencing an overwhelming fear. Others report these entities jump on top of them and press on their chest or choke them while they sleep. These creatures seem to create immense states of terror, in order to feed from the energy generated.


It has been suggested, that shadow people can be repelled by various means, such as: invoking religeous deities, protective prayers, being vocal and demanding they leave, loud music or noise, the use of sage and banishing rituals. That said not all have proven to be 100% successful during encounters and would also be completely ineffectual against anything other than a spiritual enity. The most effective means of repelling them thus far, has been light. They seem to thrive in darkness and seclusion and will avoid light at all costs. If this is due to it causing discomfort or because they simply fear it will reveal their true form is unknown, but accounts or footage of these creatures caught in an illuminated environment, wether it be daylight or artificial light, generally shows them in retreat.

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