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Tupilaq, Tupilait
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The Tupilaq is a gruesome, puppet-like monster constructed by a shaman from various animal and human parts, in some cases even parts taken from the corpses of children. (bone, skin, hair, sinew, etc.) It is created to take vengeance against an enemy or rival and will not stop until it has completed its purpose. This terrifying creature is given life by ritualistic magic in a long drawn out ceremony, then sent out to track down and destroy its given target.
The creation of such a creature isn't without risk, however, because if its target is somebody whom posessed a greater power, there is a possibility they could repel its attack and instead send the tupilak back to kill its originator. To counter this the shaman would have to make a public confession of their foul deed in order to break the power of the spell.


The Tupilaq has no definitive shape or size. The appearance of the creature depends entirely on the materials (body parts) used by the shaman whom creates it. It would most likely appear as a terrifying visage of mis-matched bloody limbs and bones, roughly sewn together and animated.



In Greenlandic the word 'tupilak' means an ancestor's soul or spirit.


Tupilaq is a creature from Inuit and Greenland folklore and mythology The stories of these magical creatures pre-dates the arrival of Christianity to Greenland in the early 1700s.




The ceremony of making a Tupilaq is carried out most often at night, in secrecy. The shaman (angakkuq) dons their anorak backwards, with the hood over their face, so that the creature cannot know their identity and engages in sexual contact with the parts used to make the creature, singing and chanting during the entire process, which can take up to several days.


Purposeful and unwavering. Will not relent until it has fulfilled its objective and killed its target.

Modus Operandi:

Will use whatever its constructed form provides in order to destroy its target and complete its task. There is also reference to Tupilaqs causing illess or disease


Unfortunately most methods of dealing with a Tupilaq seem to rely on the requirement of another shaman, without which your choices appear to be rather limited. The Tupilak can be counter attacked by using another Tupilak, certain protection rituals can also work against it, as well as another shaman successfully stabbing it with a savuujag with a sharp tip. Otherwise discovering the Tupilaqs master and revealing their deed publically can weaken the magic, as secrecy is considered a major factor in the spells power.


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