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Windigo, Witigo, Witiko, and Wee-Tee-Go, windago, waindigo, windiga, wihtikow
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The Wendigo is a ravenous, terrifying creature of Algonquian Native American legends that devours human flesh to survive, though regardless of how much they eat, their hunger remains, which is reflected by their gaunt appearance. They are considered as malevolent, supernatural creatures of great spiritual power who were strongly associated with the harsh Northern winters and starvation. They are believed to roam the forests where the Algonquians once lived, and those that have disappeared over the years are rumored to have been eaten by these creatures. Many Wendigo sightings have been reported over time, not only by Native Americans, but by white settlers as well. The wendigo is extremely fast and posesses un-natural stength, despite how frail it may appear. The older one becomes, the more powerful it becomes. As its corruption spreads throughout the forest, so does its influence over nature. Some can control woodland creatures and others are so powerful they are said to be able to control the weather.


The Wendigo stands between 10-14 foot tall and is gaunt to the point of emaciation, it's desiccated skin pulled tauntly over it's bones. It's complexion is ashen with eyes pushed back deep into their sockets, resembling a skeleton recently disinterred from the grave. What lips it has are tattered and bloody, pulled back over its jagged, mis-shapen teeth and it is unclean, giving off an odour of decay and decomposition, of death and corruption.



Comes from Algonquian. The common translation meaning "the evil spirit that devours mankind. They are also known as spirits of the lonely places.


Stems from Algonquian Native American legend. The first mention of the Wendigo is found in 17th century Jesuate records, which coinsides with europeans entering the fur trade


America and Canada


According to the legend, a Wendigo is created when a human has to resort to cannibalism in order to survive. In the past, this occurred when Indians and settlers became stranded due to the extreme winters of the northern forests and survivors were compelled to cannibalize the dead. Other versions tell of those displaying greed,selfishness or spiritual imbalance whom also became a Wendigo.


Insidious and predatory. Is extremely hostile towards humans, which it will most definitley kill given the opportunity. The Wendigo is a gluttonous creature with an insatiable appetite, which drives it to perpetually kill and eat.

Modus Operandi:

Will prey on those whom are seperated from a group or alone. Also has the ability to mimic human voices and will use this skill to lure people away from safety. Once isolated it will tear them apart with its teeth and claws and devour them.


The primary weakness of a wendigo is its frozen heart. Destroying its heart will release - but also kill - the human trapped within the beast. This must be done using silver bullets, a pure silver blade or a silver stake. The shattered heart must be locked within a silver box and buried in a church graveyard. The Wedigo's corpse must be dismembered with a silver blade, salted and burned to ashes, aftwerwards scattering them on the wind. Skip a step and the wendigo may be able to regenerate.


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